Gravestone Symbols

I found this quirky gal promoting death positivity and feel I have learned a good deal from her. I know a past blog post (from way back when) has covered some common gravestone symbols – I cannot bring myself to call them emojis as Caitlin does – but I thought we’d revisit the subject in the form of a video. I also encourage you to subscribe to her channel.

Cemetery Series: Burying Point


Burying Point SignNestled snugly in Essex county in Massachusetts is where you’ll find our next cemetery of note. This little town was first settled by Roger Conant in 1626. The town used to serve as one of the largest shipping ports in “the New World”, but it is more notably remembered for something darker that happened in 1692. Our next stop is a little cemetery called “Burying Point” in Salem, Massachusetts, home of the infamous Salem Witch Trials. Continue reading