In The Name of God I Condemn Thee To Death: The Salem Witch Trials


“You’re a liar! I’m no more a witch than you are a wizard! If you take my life away, God will give you blood to drink!” ~Sarah Good, shortly before she was executed for witchcraft, July 19, 1692.

There are those who speak with the Lord’s name on their tongue and have nothing but evil intent. They may even fool themselves into believing that they are doing God’s work, and committing the most heinous of deeds can be justified if it is done in the name of a deity. More often than not, the deeds are born out of a selfish need for power or property, with the conviction that God wants them to have these things at any cost. Such is the case of 20 murders that took place over three hundred years ago in the name of preserving the righteous. In actuality, it was the end result of family rivalries and town politics that spiraled from rumors and gossip to hunting down innocent citizens so they could be tried for the crime of witchcraft. These events live forever in history as the Salem Witch Trials.

Danvers Massachusetts is the present day location of what was Salem Village 300 years ago. Continue reading

Cemetery Series: Burying Point


Burying Point SignNestled snugly in Essex county in Massachusetts is where you’ll find our next cemetery of note. This little town was first settled by Roger Conant in 1626. The town used to serve as one of the largest shipping ports in “the New World”, but it is more notably remembered for something darker that happened in 1692. Our next stop is a little cemetery called “Burying Point” in Salem, Massachusetts, home of the infamous Salem Witch Trials. Continue reading